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Snow's done

Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:04
by horseman
Quite a bit of snow here this winter, at least for us. I know some of you fella's live in a REAL snow belt but we've had around 3ft total this year starting in early January, probably still a foot to a foot and a half on the ground and heatin' up to mid 20's during the day mid teens at night. Admittedly this is a bit more snow than usual but not abnormal at all (had a bit over 4ft in 2016). Haven't had any snow fall for a couple day's now and I'm almost sure, no, I'm SURE it's finished because I just got the word yesterday that my new 8foot hydraulic snow plow for my FEL tractor will be delivered Tuesday. I guess it's possible that we could get more snow Monday but nothing after Tuesday for sure. Our drive is right at a mile to the county road and I've been using a big snowblower on the back of the tractor to keep it cleared, well down to an inch or so because it's all gravel and if you've ever seen how far a snow blower will toss rocks you understand why I leave a bit of snow behind. It does a real nice job but is sloooow, that's the reason for the plow, much quicker then after a couple times with the plow, cut the edges back with the blower. Should work well. Anyway, if you live anywhere near me, and you receive no more snow this year, you're welcome. Glad I could if it would just thaw out a bit so I could clean up around the barn where the horses like to p..., errr, stand around most of the day it would be delightful. I clean a wide path out to and around the barn and feeder with the snow blower, so guess where they "go". Frozen horse "leavings' is like walking through a boulder patch even with chains on yer' boots....Just to have this a bit related to the forum, no "recreational" shooting going on here for a while now. And you Texas and Arizona boys that have been workin' on yer tans the last couple weeks, well, maybe I'll be seein you next year.... :lol:

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 03 Mar 2019 16:46
by Ranch Dog
I'm gonna need a picture of that equipment as I'm sure you are going to chase that snow south and I will need to buy ahead and chase it back.

It has been crazy here, my part of the South, for the last three months. If the wind isn't blowing 30 mph, the fog is so dense I cannot see the 50-yard berm. Just had four days of that, but now the wind is back at 30.

I've got shooting projects stacked up more than any time in my life. It is going to take me three months to catch up if I could start today.

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 03 Mar 2019 16:49
by mr surveyor
you can have all of my share of that nasty white stuff. We do ordinarily see something like 1"-3" per year, but sometimes, like this year, none at all. I do remember when I was a kid that we saw a whole lot of snow, at all times of the year .... but that was on the t.v. and then someone had to go outside and turn the antenna a little :)


Re: Snow's done

Posted: 04 Mar 2019 05:54
by GasGuzzler
Yeah it's great here. 19 degrees...lots of rain. We don't get much snow up here because the weather needs a low pressure to be humid enough and that humidity holds the Earth's heat...when it's cold enough for snow it's usually dry. So for the last three months we are on a weekly schedule of 40's and heavy rain then clear and 20s'...back and forth. It's a muddy mess try to prepare baseball fields for play.

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 04 Mar 2019 15:06
by larryw
Well let's see. Pretty Ok here, high 70's :D :D :D

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 04 Mar 2019 19:07
by RBHarter
Been pretty mild here but it was 20° when I went to work this morning . It was after noon before it hit 25° . Had upwards of a foot of rain this year .....
Mean while back near my origins Tahoe has 34 feet of snow and Mammoth has set a new record at 38 feet . Looks like they will 4th of July ski parties .

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:26
by Ranch Dog
RBHarter wrote:Been pretty mild here but it was 20° when I went to work this morning
Dude, thought you retired?

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 21:02
by RBHarter
That's what we called it . It's more like recaps on the retire .
Sposed to be 70° tomorrow .

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 08:05
by Macd
Did someone say they want some snow?????
Snow March 8-18.jpg

Re: Snow's done

Posted: 08 Mar 2019 13:10
by mr surveyor
Dang, Mac, someone done messed up your yard.
