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Ram prime

Posted: 06 May 2015 04:25
by closey
I have two of these on my shelf and they have been my primer of choice for the past 30 something years, I also have the lee hand primer but haven't used it much at all. I must be one of Lees worst customers when it comes to trying out new kit as I'm so stuck in my old ways. I just like to stick with what I have as it works for me and I have built up a loading regime/routine that suits me.
Anyways I've just been prepping and priming some .45acp today so thought I'd post a wee pic of my operation.


Re: Ram prime

Posted: 06 May 2015 05:16
by Fyodor
I got the ram prime with my hand press, too. It actually is a great priming tool, and I regularly use it for load development or on range.

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 06 May 2015 08:37
by Maximumbob54
I have one of these on order and can't wait to start using it.

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 06 May 2015 10:36
by daboone
It seems lot of reloaders are in too big of a hurry to want to do one primer at a time. Some claim that the primer will be somehow contaminated. I suppose if your hand are greasy/dirty it is possible. I never had a problem with ram or primer arm priming.

I never understood why Lee stopped making the Ram Prime II. I love mine.

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 06 May 2015 11:19
by Fyodor
They stopped making it because some parts of it came from a discontinued product, the main body was expensive to machine, and sales never caught up anyway. At least that's what they told me.

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 07 May 2015 18:15
by Steve
For just a few cases I still use my ram prime occasionally instead of setting up my usual priming setup. When I used the turret press I to primed everything with it.

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 08 May 2015 15:12
by mikld
Over a period of mebbe 30 years I've tried a few different priming methods, the only one not tried yet is a bench mounted tool (never had the room). I have a Hornady and a new Lee Ergonomic hand primers but don't care much for them (they don't fit my hand). I got a ram prime tool with a Lee hand press a bunch of years ago and have used it almost exclusively since. Great feel, easy working, and no finger cramps after 100 cases. I have one mounted on my 308 Win. turret and it's much easier than a dedicated priming press. Very handy...

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 09 May 2015 12:53
by Fyodor
If you find a good and comfortable seat, you need only one hand to use this tool. Only a small lever travel is necessary anyway, and when you push the lever against your belly, you only need to work the press body back and forth a little bit, and you'll have your second hand free at all times to handle cases and primers. That way it actually is quite fast, too.

Re: Ram prime

Posted: 11 May 2015 16:49
by mr surveyor
Fyodor wrote:If you find a good and comfortable seat, you need only one hand to use this tool. Only a small lever travel is necessary anyway, and when you push the lever against your belly, you only need to work the press body back and forth a little bit, and you'll have your second hand free at all times to handle cases and primers. That way it actually is quite fast, too.

Just hope you don't have an accidental primer discharge while using the one hand/belly method :o


Re: Ram prime

Posted: 12 May 2015 15:34
by Fyodor
Why? The case mouth is always pointing away from me, and the ram prime doesn't have a reservoir, so only one primer at a time could go off. I'm always wearing glasses when handling primers.