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Re: family news FYI

Posted: 24 Oct 2018 15:37
by akuser47
Great to hear +guns

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 26 Oct 2018 09:56
by Macd
Wonderful outcome.

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 01 Nov 2018 20:41
by alphalimafoxtrot
Thank you guys, for the thumbs up and well wishes. We are exactly one week away from the surgery date - and we are trying our best to be positive.
My coworker has a great attitude about this, he reminded me that we know exactly what needs to get done - we have the best doctor there is for this procedure, and it is at George Washington hospital in DC - one of the best.
My wife is in good hands - I know she is.
I'm still sort of wiggly about it but that's OK. Will post as I can!


Re: family news FYI

Posted: 02 Nov 2018 04:25
by Ranch Dog
Thank you for the update!

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 13:29
by alphalimafoxtrot
So yeah I’m busy, but all is good. Chris did NOT have to get a “full” laminectomy - instead, her awesome doctor drilled a small hole into the bone in order to access and remove the tumor. This was at L1 or L2 in her spine. Awesome! She said just now that this recovery feels way less painful than her abdominal surgery some years back. She is in good spirits, and it has been 6 days since the procedure, and she has not complained about my home care yet! :lol:

The great thing is she is walking around our little house as much as she can stand it, and yesterday we had our first walk around the neighborhood with her rollator stroller walker thingie. She is in fine form, and I just wanted to get this update out to yall. Of course, there is alot more to this but I am not able to get online often as usual since I have to do all the house stuff, and scheduled stuff for Chris.

Thanks for your words of encouragement and support.

Adam Lee

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 16:47
by larryw
Good news for sure, really glad to hear it. & I'm sure she appreciates the heck out
of your "home care" if she's anything like my wife, she's getting a kick out of it also :o :o

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 18 Nov 2018 17:29
by daboone
I had a long term girlfriend who had MS. The best day of our wonderful relationship was when she had to use a wheelchair. I could finally keep up with her. ;)

I'm glad your "girlfriend" is recovering. We aren't complete without a woman telling us how to behave. After I lost mine my 2 daughters took over running my life, thank the gods! :D

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 24 Nov 2018 19:09
by horseman
alphalimafoxtrot wrote:So yeah I’m busy, but all is good. Chris did NOT have to get a “full” laminectomy - instead, her awesome doctor drilled a small hole into the bone in order to access and remove the tumor. This was at L1 or L2 in her spine. Awesome! She said just now that this recovery feels way less painful than her abdominal surgery some years back. She is in good spirits, and it has been 6 days since the procedure, and she has not complained about my home care yet! :lol:

The great thing is she is walking around our little house as much as she can stand it, and yesterday we had our first walk around the neighborhood with her rollator stroller walker thingie. She is in fine form, and I just wanted to get this update out to yall. Of course, there is alot more to this but I am not able to get online often as usual since I have to do all the house stuff, and scheduled stuff for Chris.

Thanks for your words of encouragement and support.

Adam Lee

Well, that is GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!! Very happy for the two of you. +guns

Darn lights, forgot to turn the sound off the computer, scared me again....

Re: family news FYI

Posted: 29 Nov 2018 05:11
by alphalimafoxtrot
Friends, more positive updates as my wife recovers from her spinal tumor surgery:

First off, You all are such a source of strength for me right now. Just wanted you to know that, and hear that from me!

Now, I tell you what, my better half is bulletproof.... +guns and such a stubborn individual herself. She has not slowed down one bit! Mobility is so good that she is beginning to drive again for short distances. She also walks both dogs, and can even bend down to pick up what they leave behind!! +of

It will be mid-to late-January before she is released back for work, though. So it is a slow, gradual but fine recovery. Again, physical recovery is most successful with the positive mental support of our greater community circle all playing such an important part. And it is soon going to be switching roles again for us next week, when my right shoulder gets its turn in the rotator cuff repair shop.

Chris is going to be doing the job of taking care of me again. Well, I know she can do it - and I will continue to read the "gun stories" and so on from you folks here and at RD's other site to keep me positive like always!

Bless you all.


Re: family news FYI

Posted: 29 Nov 2018 06:05
by Ranch Dog
That is great news, Adam! It is inspiring to see such a positive attitude and I know that it part of a successful recovery. My prayers are with you for the upcoming rotator cuff surgery.

"2 teachers and 3 surgeries: we need your help"