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Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 07:51
by Ranch Dog
I don't clean my barrels much at all once I have my Aloxed bullets spitting out of them but sometimes during load development I have a mess that needs to be cleaned. I started using Shooter's Choice Lead Remover and it seemed like it was working better than anything that I have tried to date but I didn't not have a real measure on its effectiveness other than a "I think so."

It was a heavy rain day yesterday so I was cleaning up some tools in my reloading room and came across a file I use with cast bullets that I'm going to measure the BHN on. The LBT tester needs a very flat base for accuracy in the measure and I use one particular file to achieve that. There was no longer any "rasp" to the file, it was slick with lead. I started to use a bronze brush and quickly realized that the task would take all day. Then I thought about a test of the Shooter's Choice product. I swabbed some on the liquid on the face of the file and let it sit. The lead immediately started to dissolve so after near three minutes I started on it with the bronze brush. The lead simply curled up and flaked off. Within another three minutes there was no lead on the file or brush. It was just a wet residue on the wax paper which I flushed off the file with WD-40. Crazy performance!

Here are some pictures, the only mistake was not taking a before picture but honestly I didn't think anything would work like this.



Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 11:19
by Fyodor
Wow, impressive. How much was that, and how much did you need for this result? I've been thinking about removing the leading from the throats in the cylinder of my revolvers, and the Lewis Lead Remover is not a very comfortable tool to use.

Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 12:27
by Ranch Dog
I dabbed it on with a Q-Tip. Just enough to get it covered. It doesn't smell bad at all, not like the other products I've used.

Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 15:22
by 62chevy
Not a bad price for a working lead remover but I just baked my first batch of powder coated bullets soo I'm hoping it won't be needed from now on.

I'll post pics later still have to load them.

Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 22 Mar 2015 20:56
by daboone
Just ordered a can from Amazon. Thanks for this testimony. I usually find lead remover's claims to be BS.

Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 01:29
by Fyodor
They charge us over 20€ (24$) per can over here! Ridiculous...

Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 05:14
by Dan 444
That's really great to know! I am going to pick up some during the next trip to the LGS. Good to use on a number of things that are used in pouring and working with lead bullets
Thanks, RD!

Best wishes to all,

Re: Shooter's Choice Lead Remover

Posted: 23 Mar 2015 13:21
by akuser47
That's impressive